Burning Regulations

Open debris burning season is set within Black Butte Ranch, Cloverdale and Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire Districts is set to open at daylight on Monday, October 28, 2024.

As we reported earlier this month, the Sisters-Camp Sherman and Cloverdale Fire District burn permit system was updated over the summer. If you previously accessed the system via a phone app, the app has been rebranded as Before You Burn, offering the same functionality you’re familiar with, but with enhanced features and new tools. The new phone app will be available in late October. The new system which can be accessed via each District’s website, includes weather information for your area, agency boundary maps to indicate if your property is protected by other agencies in addition to your local Fire District and includes any restrictions those agencies have in place for burning. The old “Burn Permits” app has been removed from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Users with the app already installed will no longer be able to access their accounts via the mobile app, but you will be able to access your account through our website www.sistersfire.com or if you are a Cloverdale resident at https://www.cloverdalefire.com/. If your property is currently registered for a burn permit with the Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District or the Cloverdale Fire District, you can login to your account via each District’s website (www.sistersfire.com or www.cloverdalefire.com) and “Check-In” to schedule your burn beginning Monday morning.

If you haven’t already created an account to register your burn, you can access the online system to register your property by visiting www.sistersfire.com (For Sisters residents) or https://www.cloverdalefire.com/ (for Cloverdale residents). Residents in the Sisters-Camp Sherman and Cloverdale Fire Districts should register their address and “Check-In” via the online system to schedule their burn days.

Residents that have registered their address in the system and that have checked-in to burn, should still check burning status daily and schedule a burn through the online system for each day they intend to burn. The requirement to check in each day is based on changing atmospheric and weather conditions such as wind or relative humidity (amount of water vapor in air). The Fire District’s on-duty Shift Commanders will make a determination and update the system before 8 a.m. each day regarding whether burning will be allowed within the District.

Residents in Black Butte Ranch Fire District should contact the fire department at 541-595-2288 to schedule a burn.

Safety during open burn season is of the utmost importance. The online reporting system allows Fire District staff the ability to see who is burning on a daily basis, immediately notify users of changing conditions, instant messaging of important fire safety information, ensure that those planning to burn are aware of the City of Sisters outdoor burn ban, and that the right jurisdiction is being notified of the planned burn.

Local fire departments will continue to monitor weather and fuel moisture conditions in their district and may make modifications on a day-to-day basis. Please call your local fire agency for more information.

Let’s all continue to use extreme caution and help prevent wildfires.


View or Download Full Regulations

Call (541) 595-2288 prior to burning to find out if burning is allowed.
Burning will be allowed only when conditions warrant and when burning is open throughout Deschutes County.

● Current burn regulations must be on site while burning.
● You must have legal control of the property or permission of the property owner
where burning is conducted.
● The ground shall be clear of combustible material for 10 ft. outside of the fire in all
● No burning when temperatures exceed 75 degrees.
● No burning when winds exceed 10 mph sustained.
● Maintain minimum distances of 25 ft. from all structures.
● Keep adequate firefighting equipment (hose or fire extinguisher, shovel) on
hand at all times while burning.
● All open burning must be 100% completely extinguished by sundown or before
leaving unattended. Anyone burning after sundown or leaving a fire unattended
may be charged for suppression costs as a result.
● Fires shall be attended at ALL times by a responsible person.
● Fires should be at least 50 ft. away from all structures. Fires that are at least 50 ft.
away from structures may have a maximum size of 6 ft. in diameter and 6 ft. in
● Fires within 25 ft. to 50 ft. of a structure shall be limited in size to 3 ft. in diameter
and 2 ft. in height.
● No fire shall be allowed closer than 25 ft. to any structure.
● If fires get out of control, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY!